Supporting our Ukrainian guests and hosts

As of July 2022 we have more than 50 families hosting Ukrainians in and around Beaconsfield; there are more than 120 individuals who are living in and around the town, mainly women and children. We are also supporting some families from neighbouring areas, such as Farnham Common and Burnham.

BCB is supporting our Ukrainian community in a number of ways.

Weekly gathering for Ukrainians

We host a weekly get together at the Dove Café, St Thomas’s Church, Mayflower Way, Holtspur from 09:30 – 11:30 every Monday (see flier below).

Transport to essential meetings

Our team of more than 50 volunteer drivers can facilitate lifts to essential appointments for Ukrainian guests who cannot access transport.

English Lessons

We are working with local volunteers to offer additional English lessons to Ukrainian adults. This essential activity ensures our guests can settle as quickly as possible into our community.

Mental Health support

Where necessary, we are supporting individuals with tailored mental health support.

For more information on any of these activities, if you can offer help, or if you have any questions at all, please email

Helping the community

Our aim is to support hosts where we can and provide support to our Ukrainian guests.

If you would like a paper or email copy instead, or any other queries please email or call 01494 919232.